Southern Peach Bouquet Deluxe

Southern Peach Bouquet Deluxe

  • $ 105.87

Southern Peach Bouquet Deluxe

Looking for a modern twist on an old classic - this bouquet is just what you need! The Southern Peach Rose Bouquet brings you a subtle and sophisticated look with a bit of modern style. Charming and easy on the eyes, with beautiful pastel tones, this bouquet brings a room to life with it's artful appearance. Peach roses surrounded by white lilies, peach carnations and greenery - but the best part? All of this surrounds a green echeveria succulent. The fun new accessory to any bouquet, this delicate succulent adds a modern touch and is guaranteed to delight! This bouquet measures 15 1/4" W by 13 1/4" H

• Peach Roses
• White Asiatic Lilies
• Peach Mini Carnations
• White Stock
• Pitta Negra
• Dusty Miller
• Green Echeveria Succulent
• Glass Cube Vase

Hand Delivery Florist
The Southern Peach Bouquet Deluxe is the product you didn't think you need, but once you have it, something you won't want to live without.

Inventory Last Updated: Nov 09, 2024


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