Monthly Dose of Roses
Monthly Dose of Roses
12 Months of Fresh Roses
Designed for both personal and corporate gift-giving, simply place one order, and leave the rest up to us. Each month we will send a bouquet of a dozen Fresh Roses that will undoubtedly bring a smile to your recipient's face.
We ship our roses overnight and straight from the farms where they are picked, meaning you receive your blooms just 2-4 days after they are cut. This ensures the freshness of our roses and gives you more time to enjoy your flowers! The best part? No more tired, dull grocery store bouquets! Our roses are so fresh, giving you the unique opportunity to watch them bloom even more before your eyes!
So give someone today a gift that will keep on giving, Their Monthly Dose of Roses, Promise they will be glad you did!
• First delivery comes with a Free glass vase
• Choose what color roses for each month or choose the same, up to you.
• The recipient will receive their first bouquet with a free vase on the delivery
• A memorable way to make birthday or anniversary celebrations last all year long, or a perfect corporate gift
• Each bouquet is picked at the peak of perfection and shipped overnight to create an optimum gifting experience
Inventory Last Updated: Sep 07, 2024